General Policies
The school day for students begins at 7:22 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. The office is open from 7:07 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
Students may arrive at school at 7:07. Carpoolers who arrive early may wait in their cars until the duty teacher dismisses them.
Students must arrive by 7:22 and be in class by 7:25. Students who do not arrive by 7:22 are considered tardy. This includes carpoolers who do not exit their cars by 7:22.
All students who arrive after 7:22 must be accompanied by a parent to the front office to sign in. Parents failing to sign their child in will be called to return to school to do so. Children who are tardy will not be admitted to class until they are signed in.
According to school board policy students who are checked out of school within the last 30 minutes of the school day will receive a tardy.
Tardies are unexcused with the exception of doctor’s appointments, illness verified by a doctor’s excuse, legal proceedings, and other emergencies deemed excused by the principal. A consequence will be given after each accumulation of three tardies.
When the dismissal bell rings at 2:30, students will proceed to the buses or the carpool lane. Students who do not move to the proper area in a timely fashion will receive a tardy.
Carpoolers must be picked up by 2:35. Students who are picked up after that time will receive a tardy.
Checks outs and check ins are considered absences or tardies, depending on the time of the check out/in.
Parents must come to the office to check a student in. Only adults 18 years or older who are listed on the student’s contact list may check a student out of school. Any person not recognized by school personnel will be required to show a picture ID.
When a student has been properly checked out, he/she will be called to the office. No student will be released to a person who goes directly to the classroom, lunchroom, playground, or bus.
Students cannot be checked out after 2:15.
PowerSchool Access
Parents without an account:
Contact the school for a parent portal letter. That letter contains instructions to create an account.
Parents with an account:
Go to: apsb.powerschool.com
Sign in
To email the teacher, click on the teacher’s name OR right click on the teacher’s name, click copy email address.
Open a new email and paste the copied email address in the "To" line of the email.
Parents can also set up email notifications in the left margin to get notifications about grades, attendance etc.