A minimum of four days will be designated as “Free Dress Days.” Student attire on those days must conform to the following regulations:
1. Footwear must be worn at all times. Shoes must have a closed toe and a closed back.
2. Shorts must be “fingertip” length.
3. Cut-offs are not allowed.
4. Clothing and/or accessories with inappropriate decorations or advertisements are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, any item that depicts the occult, gang membership, death, suicide, violence, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or ethnic bias.
5. Shirts and blouses for both boys and girls must cover the top of the shoulder. Necklines must be modest. Tank tops, muscle shirts, transparent shirts, see-through blouses, crop tops, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, and strapless garments are not allowed, even when covered by other clothing. Midriffs, belly buttons, and stomachs must be covered at all times.
6. Garments must be worn as designed.
7. Clothing that is frayed, torn, ripped, or ragged may not be worn. Clothing with holes may not be worn.
8. Extreme hairstyles will not be permitted.
9. Tight-fitting shorts or pants are not acceptable.
10. Long rain or trench coats are not allowed.
11. Pants and shorts must be worn at the waist.
12. Hats, caps, visors, bandannas, or sunglasses are not allowed.